Sure, credit cards are a great way to finance purchases when you don’t have the cash, but they’re also a great way to enjoy extra financial value. Credit card perks like cash back and travel rewards are fairly common, but now card companies are offering even more benefits that you may not be familiar with yet.
Exclusive Event Invitations
It’s time to check the fine print of your credit card agreement, because you could have access to exclusive events just for being a cardholder. If you enjoy entertainment events like concerts, sporting events and special dining experiences, your credit card could be a treasure trove of opportunities. For example, Capital One cardholders get access to the coveted iHeartRadio Jingle Ball.
Cell Phone Insurance
If you pay your monthly cell phone bill with your credit card, you might be eligible for cell phone protection. If your device is damaged or stolen, your credit card company may cover the full cost or off-set your out of pocket expenses. Wells Fargo and U.S. Bank both offer this perk on some of their credit cards.
Free Admissions
Do you enjoy cultural events like museum exhibitions? If so, your credit card might offer you more than you realize. Many museums participate in free general admission programs with credit card companies like Bank of America, meaning you can enter for free by simply presenting your card.
Cash for College Students
If you’re a college student using one of Discover’s student credit cards, you can actually earn cash for getting good grades. Discover lets students earn a $20 statement credit each school year for achieving a grade point average of at least 3.0. This perk lasts for up to five years.
The world of credit card perks is vast and growing, so don’t miss out on great opportunities to get even more value out of your credit card. Read the fine print on your contract to learn whether these or any other perks come with your cardholder status.